



词汇问题 三年级课程, 学生们盘腿坐在幼儿教育家和多样性, 股本, 包容, 和归属(DEIB)协调员 Olugbala威廉姆斯 在他们旁边的地毯上完成一个圆圈. 的re is intention behind even the smallest details of this initiative and how it is presented to students. Each detail points toward student agency and “employing the muscles of empathy.在这些圈子里, students grapple with new frameworks to contextualize the imperfect world of inequalities and social injustice and their responsibility as young community members of a diverse school.


词汇问题 isn’t just the title of a new initiative in the 较低的学校; it is cautionary and a reminder that our words are powerful and shape the everyday realities around us. Language, the words we use, reinforce the invisible systems that govern our society. And using language as a tool, we can either perpetuate systems of harm or we can expel them. 我们必须注意我们的话和它们的影响, especially with the people we care for and who are part of our community.


在低年级, Williams asserts the importance of shaping responsible students into empathetic community members who are comfortable with differences as early as possible. “我们希望学生们使用尊重的语言, 去理解为什么仇恨语言在任何空间都是不被允许的, 尤其是在学校里. 此外, we want students to recognize how language can not only be used to demean, 还有它是如何牢牢掌握权力的, 特权, and oppression–to begin to see how hateful language is directly tied to the marginalization of people, 以及仇恨语言对历史的影响.”


词汇问题 倡议包括三个会议. 在每个会话中, students are reminded of community guidelines to respectfully challenge one another while remaining kind, 积极倾听, 沉默时在场, 分享他们的经历或“讲述你自己的故事”,等等.

在第一和第二届会议上, students’ prior knowledge is activated with 问题s like “What is power?和“权力意味着你能做什么。?或者“调侃和仇恨言论有什么区别??通过课堂讨论, students build a common vocabulary and share personal stories of how words create a stronger school community. 在第三届会议上, students are taught action steps to take when they witness hateful language: interrupt, 回声, 问题, 或教育.

新的知识和工具带来了同理心和理解. Students in the circle discussed how encounters with hateful language made them feel, 他们希望在自己的社区中看到什么样的价值观(比如同理心, 不仅仅是同情), 当他们听到仇恨的语言时,他们会说些什么. 的se tools teach students how to redirect or transform conflict positively into a learning opportunity and are a reminder to a classmate that they are supported, 或者简单地, 结束一时的言语伤害.


Williams shared that the 会话 with students have been successful in part because ultimately the work of making our 较低的学校 student community safe and equitable among our youngest scholars is simple: the children have strong desires to authentically connect. A successful part of the workshop was when the children connected with one another by exchanging words of affirmation and encouragement.

博彩网站排名如何使用令人振奋的语言,学生们有很多话要说, 区分积极语言和消极语言, 需要什么样的价值观来培养积极的语言.”


Students at the 较低的学校 are eager to learn about the historical structures that divide them and the language that reinforces that division. With this knowledge and learning the tools to counter this, they understand how to come together. 他们对每个人的热情 词汇问题 session is evidence that they welcome independence and responsibility; they are willing to share with others language that has hurt them and how they’d like to speak or be spoken to in the future.

“对我来说最激动人心的部分, 作为老师,威廉姆斯说。, “was seeing the level of engagement and thoughtfulness the children brought to this work. 博彩网站排名如何使用令人振奋的语言,学生们有很多话要说, 区分积极语言和消极语言, 需要什么样的价值观来培养积极的语言. 你可以在低年级的大厅里看到他们的智能清单.” 

In 词汇问题 会话, 学生们不仅仅是在学习什么是仇恨语言, 他们正在学习帮助他们自我辩护的工具, 成为支持者, 做好社区价值观的守门人. This becomes especially evident in the older grades where they may start to experience conflict among classmates and friends for the first time. 这类活动 词汇问题 provide students with preemptive strategies to address difficult social situations in ways that allow that to build confidence and social emotional intelligence.


最初, the three-part workshops were created to prevent the use of harmful epithets, 主要针对非洲人后裔. 威廉姆斯在Poly任教超过25年, witnessing the evolution of the school and its generations of young students who have walked through its doors. Williams reminds us that teachers are also witnesses to students’ experiences in school. He keeps a close eye on all his young charges to ensure that his classroom remains a site of respect, 股本, 以及解放实践.

一般, 学校, 随着机构, 是延续种族主义的大社会的缩影吗, 恐同症, 性别歧视, 以及其他形式的系统性压迫和暴力. And it is from this reality that 较低的学校 faculty and administration create responsive, anti-racist programming to ensure our school’s values are met with integrity. 此外, 为了避免进一步的侮辱和伤害, it is important that students know that they are worthy of apologies and communitywide actions to address incidents when they have been hurt by hateful language.


建立同理心和理解,比如 词汇问题 is part of a multi-faceted approach Poly’s DEIB team has brought to our community. 最近的节目包括 抵制仇恨意识形态, professional development and facilitated conversations within the Middle and 上学校s led by international leadership development organization 和平的种子, and powerful assemblies and student-led Service Learning Team presentations of research-based histories and social issues. 此外, 高中历史讲座 其中包括“亚裔美国人:塑造社区? & 《博彩网站排名》和《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》,” are also opportunities for students and faculty to collaborate and engage in meaningful discourse. 扩大 词汇问题 戴克高地校区是DEIB团队的目标. “我们计划明年继续这一举措, 通过深入学习,在高年级教授, 威廉姆斯说。. “我们的愿景是看到这种形式在初中和高中使用, where hate language is more prevalent and the harm resonates in a profound way.” 

Students at Dyker Heights have been working this year within their affinity groups to educate the community on their cultures, 分享他们在保利的经历, 同时也为全校的改进提供了机会. 等项目 词汇问题 are indicative of faculty and administration’s desire to collaborate with students on a shared vision to empower students and provide them with tools to safely and responsibly navigate the world.
