



为庆祝黑人历史月,保利图书管理员 伊曼Powe-Maynard DEIB主任 Dr. 大龙骨 hosted our first Historically Black Colleges 和 Universities (HBCU) Week, February 7-11. 在一周内, 学生们有机会听取了保利学院教师和校友的意见, 谁是HBCU的校友, 博彩网站排名他们的个人经历, 虚拟参观HBCU校园, 了解著名的HBCU校友, enjoy a 学生-led assembly presentation focused on Black history through the lens of music, 和更多的.


There are more than 100 HBCUs across the United States, enrolling more than 228,000 学生s. (Source)

The week opened with an 上学校 Assembly featuring an in-person 和 Zoom panel of alumni, 教师, 和工作人员, who are alumni of HBCUs: Powe-Maynard; Keeles; Director of Human Resources 德文郡温菲尔德; Poly alumna 和 斯佩尔曼学院 研究生 Adia Benjamin ' 16 ' 20; 历史老师 Dr. 亚历克斯·卡特; 音乐老师 Dr. 奥林威尔逊; math support specialist Jeremi刘易斯; 霍华德大学 法学院学生 Drew Lewis 14岁; 和 豪斯 学生 以利亚Megginson.

Dr. 基尔斯以简短的发言拉开了大会的序幕 ABC博彩网站排名HBCUs的新闻视频, 报告说, 在COVID, 当许多大学入学人数减少时, 申请hbcu的人数激增.”


小组成员分享了他们选择HBCU的原因. Drew Lewis talked about looking for a new experience when she chose 霍华德大学 for law school. 她说,hbcu“是为像我们这样的人建的.“2014年,当她还是一名学生时,没有什么能像HBCU那样的小组, 她说, 她很高兴这将是一年一度的活动. Dr. 基尔斯说,他高中时就读的是像保利这样的学校, 但他的父母鼓励他去霍华德大学. 温菲尔德说,20世纪80年代的一个流行电视节目, 不同的世界,这激发了她的兴趣. 去 马里兰大学东海岸分校, 温菲尔德经历了“一所代表像我这样的人的学校”,这是我有过的最好的经历之一.”

在HBCU, “每个人看起来都像你,本杰明说, 以及“hbcu培养你,这样就没人能击垮你。.卡特说,导师在 阿拉巴马州立大学 和 the experience of walking the same paths civil rights pioneers had in Montgomery greatly influenced him. 音乐家博士. 威尔逊,事实是 南方大学 & A&米大学 at Baton Rouge had one of the best marching b和s in the country was a deciding factor in choosing that school. HBCUs不应被视为“安全学校”,杰里米·刘易斯说, 这是一种误解,认为它们只面向黑人学生.  麦金森被斯坦福大学录取了 决定莫尔豪斯学院是他可以“了解自己”的地方 成为这个世界上更好的黑人.鲍尔-梅纳德说,她最初并没有打算去霍华德大学, 但当她看到学校, “这里有家的感觉.”


小组成员谈到了他们“在hbcu的最伟大经历”.从“返乡节”到“所有人都回来了”,来分享一个共同的博彩网站排名和身份, 获得博彩网站排名黑人历史的教育, 非洲大陆, 以及散居海外的非洲人, 哪些是他们高中学习中缺失的.


玛丽亚玛·迪亚洛,22岁 said the HBCU panel reaffirmed her decision to go to 斯佩尔曼学院 in the fall. “我从五年级开始就想去斯佩尔曼,迪亚洛说, “所以我承认这是很长一段时间. 我母亲和祖母上的是HBCUs,所以, 如果有什么区别的话, the presentations enhanced my excitement 和 anticipation for the coming year.”

“我喜欢在Poly举办HBCU周的想法,”Diallo补充道. “I think that it is definitely necessary as we have more Black 学生s 和 学生s of color being admitted. 前进, 然而, I feel like it would be best to have HBCU Week at the beginning of the year before Early Decision 和 early applications are due.”

“To hear from staff 和 alumni of color about why they chose these schools over Ivies or other schools was reassuring to hear as a 学生 of color.”

面板之后, 另一名高年级学生说, “I found it to be very insightful because although Poly is a prep school that focuses on preparing people for college, 他们从来没有真正揭示过hbcu, so to highlight them in this way is definitely going to be helpful for many of the underclassmen. To hear from staff 和 alumni of color about why they chose these schools over Ivies or other schools was reassuring to hear as a 学生 of color. There is always a heavy focus on Ivies or other PWIs [Predominantly White Institutions], the idea that everyone who is successful has to go to these schools, but hearing 和 seeing the success of people of color who went to HBCUs rather than PWIs will probably be really reassuring for underclassmen who are starting to think about college 和 what kind of school they want to go to.”

学生补充道, “One of the most interesting things I remember about the assembly was when the panelists spoke about taking a history course in their first year of college that followed Black world history, 脱离了欧洲和美国的影响. 鉴于历史经常以欧洲为中心的方式呈现, 听到这种体验的存在真的很有影响.”

HBCU校友幻灯片 & 琐事

On Tuesday, the library featured a slideshow of notable HBCU alumni including Howard alumni 凯瑟琳•约翰逊他是2016年电影中介绍的NASA计算机科学家 隐藏的数字; U.S. 最高法院法官 瑟古德·马歇尔; 和 Nobel Prize-winning novelist 托妮·莫里森. Powe-Maynard also set out a display of notable books by authors who 研究生d from HBCUs.


Middle 和 上学校 学生s were asked to check their email each day for HBCU 琐事 questions 和 the opportunity to win Spirit Cup points for their Blue or Gray teams. 竞争很激烈,但每天的赢家也包括在内 乔丹·坎贝尔,23岁, Esteban Mierisch ' 29, Mykah Lieberthal, 25岁, 阿比盖尔·简,27岁, 玛雅·菲利普斯25岁, 贾斯汀·伍兹-欧文斯,27岁, Seanna Sankar, 24岁, Raymond Xie, 26岁, 玛拉基·科斯特洛,23岁, Lila Suter-Chung, 28岁. When the results were tallied, the Blue 和 Gray teams had scored 50 points each.

Ryantony Exuma ' 22的演讲
Ryantony Exuma, 22岁

周三, 聚亲和团体Umoja和Lemonade学生领袖 22岁的Chaliya Holder, 22岁的Gabby Perry, Ryantony Exuma, 22岁 举办了以音乐为主题的高中黑人历史月集会, which told the story of Black History through the lens of music in the United States. Exuma narrated a presentation which included the Harlem Renaissance 和 Billie Holiday’s 1939 rendition of “Strange Fruit” about lynching. He continued to the influence of Chuck Berry 和 Big Momma Thornton on the birth 和 development of rock ‘n’ roll. Exuma also noted the part protest music played in the Civil Rights Movement 和 the roots of hip hop, 哪个是“出生在布朗克斯”.” Dr. 安吉拉Gittens spoke about the origins of African step dancing before the step team, 主显节, performed.

主显节 一步团队

一组 Justin Mondesir, 23岁, Chaliya Holder, 22岁, 拉米·迪亚洛22岁, Gabby Perry, 22岁, 诺亚·杨22岁, Chantal Guthrie ' 24, 阿基尔·福斯特,20岁 参加了一次问答&A的主题包括“文化欣赏和挪用”,“n”字的用法, 嘻哈文化.


周四, the community was invited to a virtual HBCU迷你博览会 和 a screening of the documentary film 告诉他们我们正在崛起:美国hbcu的历史,研究了hbcu对民族文化和身份的影响. 在小型集市上, 学生s walking from one display to another could take virtual tours of 斯佩尔曼学院, 豪斯, 或霍华德大学.

HBCU vs 预警指示器的讨论

HBCU Week concluded with an illuminating discussion of  “HBCU vs PWI” during club time in the theater. Jeremi刘易斯 moderated a panel of 学生s, 教师, alumni including Adia Benjamin ‘16, 克里斯汀Guynn, Dr. 安吉拉·吉滕斯,玛丽亚玛·迪亚洛22岁,高中院长 凯恩威利斯, Dr. 奥林威尔逊, 香农·科霍尔10届,博士。. 大龙骨. Lewis said the goal of the panel was to “compare experiences at both” so 学生s could determine “why one might be a better fit for you.”


Choosing a college encompasses so many considerations 和 having the chance to ask alumni questions 和 hearing stories about personal experiences can be insightful for those just starting their journey. 小组成员描述了他们在霍华德大学、 欧柏林斯佩尔曼, 乔治华盛顿大学, 阿默斯特, 康奈尔大学. Their stories encompassed many aspects such as finding community 和 support in Black Student Unions, discovering the diversity 和 different perspectives among Black Americans, 加勒比黑人, 或是南方的黑人和北方大学的黑人, or the challenges in finding a place to get a haircut at mostly white 阿默斯特. They all stressed the importance of finding a personal space 和 feeling of belonging at whichever school they had chosen.

Cohall expressed her pleasure at being included as a panel member 和 HBCU Week, 这在她在保利时是不存在的. The week offered perspectives for everyone on not only HBCU institutions, but also what it means for one to feel empowered 和 to be part of a community.
