

polyon Film Features电视连续剧制片人和编辑

作为《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》的忠实粉丝,制片人和电影剪辑师 汤姆·康斯坦蒂诺89年 渴望成为热门科幻系列的一员 奥维尔的, 他称之为 “改变人生的经验.《博彩网站排名》 is the subject of our next Poly on Film virtual discussion on December 1. 我们小组将讨论的两集第一季,第三集第三季,第五集-可于 迪斯尼+Hulu. 这是所有科幻迷都不能错过的活动!

拉梅什Laungani, Chair of Poly’s Science Department, English teacher 劳拉·考德威尔, Michael Kimmel, P ' 17, professor of sociology 和 gender studies at Stony Brook University, 组成小组,由 罗伯特·阿伯林62年,2000年,2003年艺术外联主任.

Pursuing A Dream: From Poly to Television Production

Since he was four years old, Costantino remembers wanting to be involved in film production. At Poly, he says, “I used to do a few comedy videos with my friend Myles shot on a VHS camcorder.“他们经常使用Quad这样的校园地点. “But the real genesis of my desire to be in the arts came from 艾尔·多伊尔我的保利美术老师 珍妮·琼斯(Cavenaugh), 我的Poly戏剧老师. Not only did they provide me a safe space 和 place to flourish, 这是我需要的,因为我有点大器晚成, but thanks to them I immersed myself in the theatrical arts, 无论是表演,布景设计还是戏剧制作. 我永远不会忘记自己是 第二十二条军规 演员的噩梦 作者:Christopher Durang. 我珍惜那些作品的回忆. 看着你, StelleneLaMura!”

后聚, Costantino  graduated from Ithaca College with a BFA in Film, 摄影与视觉艺术. “当我在伊萨卡学院的时候,他说, “I spent a lot of time doing extracurricular activities at the college television station, ICTV. I also learned how to operate a Sony 910 tape to tape editing machine. In 1993, 当我在经济衰退期间毕业时, I obtained from a friend a very badly photocopied/faxed list of available production facilities in New York.“一个是DMB&B,甚至还有DNB的错别字&在他的求职信上写B,他被录用了.

加入Poly on Film的讨论 奥维尔的 by 提前为极速注册 事件 12月1日晚上7点. 点击这里 注册.


巧合的是, Costantino 回忆说,DMB&B “had a Sony 910 editing machine in house that no one could operate, the rest was history. I worked on new business pitches 和 in international corporate projects for the agency over the next two years.”


的 next phase of his career featured long tenures at MTV Docs 和 CBS. 他收到了爱德华R. Murrow award in 2005 for his contributions to the CBS Evening 新闻 working for former CBS 新闻 president Susan Zirinsky.  He also took part in CBS 新闻 Productions, working on programs such as 幸存者 美国超模.

“In 2010, my boss at the time, Susan Zirinsky, aka ‘Z,’ took her daughter on a 犯罪现场调查迈阿密 L巡回演出.A.康斯坦蒂诺回忆道. 他刚搬到加州. “My future boss was looking for an editor with nontraditional credits to work on the ninth season of the show,’”康斯坦蒂诺补充道. “通过‘Z’进行了连接.“我在罗伯逊大道的一家咖啡豆店找到了工作., got myself into the union, began my scripted career.” Since then he has also worked on such series as Amazon’s critically acclaimed 一个密西西比 由Tig Notaro主演.

Costantino also cut the pilots for CBS’s Bull (directed by Rodrigo Garcia), Seth MacFarlane’s 奥维尔的 (directed by Jon Favreau), Fox’s 9-1-1 (created by Ryan Murphy 和 directed by Brad Buecker).

除了 to serving as Co-Producer 和 Supervisor Editor on Season 3 of 奥维尔, Costantino is currently the Co-Producer 和 Editor for the upcoming Seth MacFarlane prequel series 泰德,将于2023年在孔雀频道播出.

上工作 奥维尔的

是博彩网站排名什么的 奥维尔的 这让康斯坦蒂诺想要参与这个项目? “我是《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》的忠实粉丝,也是科幻迷,康斯坦蒂诺回答, “so having access early on to the entire first season of 奥维尔的, I had a good idea where the show was going both creatively 和 tonally over 14 episodes. It seemed as if Seth was going for something special 和 not just a parody as first advertised. 除了, getting the chance to work with industry titans such as SMF 和 Jon Favreau on the pilot was something I did not want to pass up. 也(猜测), but knowing this now) after working with him for six plus years, 赛斯总是房间里最聪明的人, I continuously learn new 和 interesting techniques to tell stories through his unending well of talent 和 stewardship.”


“Seth 和 executive producer/director Jon Cassar are great collaborators,康斯坦蒂诺接着说, 我非常信任我的团队和我自己, including the complex battle sequences where we work in t和em with the super talented VFX department. We do edit like a feature, however, take time to focus on performances 和 little details.”


What mood do you hope your editing will create in the episodes we will be featuring?  “当我想到剪辑时的心情,”康斯坦蒂诺说, “我真的很看重语气, 在喜剧中保持健康的平衡, 感伤, 还有寓言情节中的动作, one that is effectively about LGBTQIA rights 和 gender identity is a tricky needle to thread. 游戏的最终目标总是具有娱乐性, but if you can present a fleshed out story 和 the characters have nuanced three-dimensional personalities, 那你的工作就完成了. It’s easy for filmmakers like us to preach to the choir, 但我们的想法是让更多的人住在帐篷里, it’s getting harder 和 harder to do this as social media continues to calcify ideological thinking.”

“You definitely do need to love what you do in the film 和 TV biz since it’s not always for the faint of heart.”

Costantino has worked on a wide range of projects from 幸存者 to 48小时. “I’ve been fortunate that I have found joy in several of the projects that I have worked on,他说. “You definitely do need to love what you do in the film 和 TV biz since it’s not always for the faint of heart. 我会一直对你有好感 48小时我从苏珊和她身上学到了很多东西 48 had an incredibly talented group of editor/producers working there, including my lifetime editorial consigliere—Kevin Dean. 很明显, 奥维尔的 是一次改变人生的经历吗.  I was able to exp和 my duties well beyond editing over the course of three seasons. 也, putting on a large-scale season of television during the p和emic for three years is an event that will probably never be replicated. 在那次冒险中,我结交了一些终生的朋友.’”


Poly on Film系列 is a unique Poly event particularly for those who are interested in the creative fields of television, 电影制作, 和戏剧. 亲密的, conversational experience gives students 和 fellow alumni an opportunity to speak directly to 电影制作 professionals, 演员, 和作家. 的 Poly on Film系列 debuted in 2020 和 features a Zoom discussion with Poly alumni involved in making the film 和 other invited guests. 的 community is invited to view films or media at their leisure prior to the panel discussion. 现在注册!
