


“I hope that viewers will embrace the sense of innovation captured in the film [‘上帝创造的东西‘]. I hope that they will appreciate that the creativity 和 ingenuity that led to this being a success was harnessed by a young Black man, who was able to display resilience 和 persistence despite the barriers he faced solely because of his race.” Dr. 艾莉森·福克斯,96年


在保利的新电影系列中, 市民可以在闲暇时观看电影, then join a discussion with Poly alumni involved in making the film 和 other invited guests. Aberlin, 担任讨论的主持人, was instrumental in the in-person discussion of another of Cort’s 57 films, 基于硒x, 2019年3月. But the p和emic forced the new 校友-in-Film series to go virtual. “Once it became clear that a live event wasn’t going to happen,阿伯林说, “我开始研究如何通过网络研讨会来做到这一点.  这实际上让事情变得简单多了.  The logistics of getting people to Brooklyn 和 showing the films became much easier.”


这是坚持 保利艺术拓展总监 罗伯特·阿伯林62年,2000年,2003年 兼艺术总监 迈克尔年代. 罗宾逊 that brought about the first event in Poly’s new 校友-in-Film series, 哪个专题小组成员是制作人 罗伯特·科特64年博士. 艾莉森·福克斯(Alyson Fox), 96届博士. 梅勒妮·威尔逊-泰勒,96届,27届和Poly科学教师 曼迪Pabon 在电影的讨论中 这是上帝创造的 11月12日.

上帝创造的东西, a made-for-television biographical drama, is about the Black cardiac surgery pioneer 薇薇安托马斯 以及他与白人外科医生的复杂关系. Alfred Blalock, the “Blue Baby doctor,” who pioneered modern heart surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. 这部电影获得了三项艾美奖和一项皮博迪奖. “We won the Emmy for Best Original Film Made for Television,科特说. 这部电影可在 Amazon Prime. 观看预告片.

Dr. 约瑟夫·赖特7岁5

柏林欢迎“了不起的小组成员”.他介绍了一段来自 Dr. 约瑟夫·赖特1975年, 自从2004年看过这部电影后,谁会这么说, he has been on a mission to promote the film 和 the story of 薇薇安托马斯 among the medical community. Audience questions for the panel arrived in the webinar’s Q&一节,被罗宾逊派上了场.

“I originated the movie 和 produced it after reading an article in 巴尔的摩 杂志,”科特说 这是上帝创造的 提前. Cort解释, “I think the best training for what I’ve done all my life—what helped me make 57 films—is underst和ing human behavior through reading, 学习历史, 每天观察这个世界.”

“I hope people thrill to the extraordinary accomplishment of the two men who created heart surgery,科特说. “And that they underst和 the conditions under which they worked, 个人损失, 最重要的是, 在这一过程中,种族不公正现象普遍存在.” He explained to the audience he developed the script for eight years, but could not find anyone interested in making it until HBO. He added, “It was one of the great joys of my life getting this film made.” (观看考特接受皮博迪奖的视频.)


Aberlin asked Pabon, who has taught at Poly since 2008, how she has used the film. She said she has shown the film, which “marries social justice 和 science,” in her Anatomy & 生理学和荣誉生物学课程. She said she “conducted an entire class on the clip about ‘fix the bypass.’”

提前通知,小组成员 Dr. 梅勒妮·威尔逊·泰勒,96届 shared that she has observed the surgery, which is the subject of the film. “我是一名普通儿科医生,”他说 Dr. 威尔逊泰勒, “和 have taken care of children who have undergone the B-T-T [Blalock-Thomas-Taussig分流] surgery 和 recognize the significance of this surgery as it relates to mortality of these patients prior to development of this surgery.”

Dr. 梅勒妮·威尔逊-泰勒,96届,27届
Dr. 梅勒妮·威尔逊-泰勒,96届,27届

“I am hoping that viewers will recognize that the delayed recognition of 薇薇安托马斯’ role in this procedure is not unique to him 和 that there are many inventors, scientists who are of disadvantaged or underrepresented groups, 或者女性的贡献被低估了,”医生说。. Wilson-Taylor. 


Dr. Wilson-Taylor said that Poly “gave me a well-rounded exposure to academics, 十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全, 还有艺术和一个不同背景的社区, which helped to form a sense of self-identity 和 confidence needed to pursue a career in medicine.”

阿伯林问. Wilson-Taylor about women 和 women of color in medical school. 她还是学生的时候说的, half the class was made up of women but the numbers were much less for minorities. “还有很长的路要走,她说着又加了一句, “如果你的医生长得像你,结果会更好.”

Dr. 艾莉森·福克斯,96年
Dr. 艾莉森·福克斯,96年

Dr. 艾莉森·福克斯96年 移植肝脏专家, 曾就读于约翰霍普金斯大学 这是上帝创造的 被拍下来并提前回答了一些问题. “这里发生了一件革命性的事情,她谈到手术时说, “was that they shunted—diverted blood flow—in order to work on an organ, kind of like leaving the car on while fixing the engine—this was groundbreaking! This principle of diverting flow holds true today 和 is used to manipulate physiology in many life-saving procedures.” 

两个博士. 威尔逊-泰勒博士(威尔-康奈尔医学). Fox (Columbia University Medical Center) are on the faculty of medical schools. 罗宾逊 asked a question from the audience: “What does the future hold for people of color in medicine?” Dr. Fox said that medical schools “should use this movie in medical school. It will be a push to get students of color into medical school.”

Pabon引用了 华盛顿邮报》 article about a Black medical student who could not find any illustrations in medical books of how symptoms look on darker skin. 他的努力写出了这本书 Mind the Gap: A H和book of Clinical Signs in Black 和 Brown Skin.

科特谈到了选角 金属氧化物半导体Def 艾伦·里克曼 for the main roles 和 their relationship with director Joe Sargent. 他评论了两位主角的复杂性, 巴洛克和托马斯, 和 the “importance of doing justice to the people you are portraying.”

在活动结束时, Cort shared how he had previewed the film for surgeons from Johns Hopkins, 还有托马斯一家. Cort said he had stayed as true to the truth as possible 和 was very nervous about their reactions. 电影结束时一片寂静. He approached the surgeons, who said they were very pleased, 和 then went over to the Thomas family. 薇薇安托马斯’ son-in-law told Cort, “For two hours my father-in-law was alive again.”

Aberlin thanked the panelists 和 encouraged everyone to attend future events. “I have four more films planned so I hope to be showing one per month through April or May.  2021年未来的电影校友活动包括: 工作 by 劳拉·特鲁索99年主任; 短跑运动员 by 罗伯特·梅勒,96年、作家、制片人.

下一个 校友-in-Film 事件是一种讨论 批判性思维 12月2日下午6点.

报名参加“电影校友”活动 .

批判性思维、 由约翰·雷吉扎莫主演, is based on the story of the 1998 Miami Jackson Senior High School chess team that defied the odds 和 overcame incredible adversity to become the first urban high school to win the U.S. 国际象棋全国锦标赛. 小组成员包括演员 霍奇曼会10年吗, 玛琳·霍奇曼,07届毕业生, ’10, ‘10, 吉尔·卢娜, 威尔·霍奇曼扮演的最初的棋手, 还有卡拉·伯科维茨, 执行制片人.
