

New Season of 聚乙烯薄膜 Debuts

聚乙烯薄膜 9/11 Memorial plaque

聚乙烯薄膜, 保利的独特, creative forum brings together alumni in film and television and current students and community. To mark the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks this month, 聚乙烯薄膜 begins its second season 9月29日 at 7 PM by featuring a very personal recounting of Poly’s experience of the day, as documented in the 2002 WNET-produced film 九月的教训. The discussion will be presented 通过放大 and excerpts from the film will be shown during the discussion.

Poly’s Director of 艺术 外展 罗伯特Aberlin ‘62, P’00, ‘03, who co-produced the film, and 约翰•Denatale executive producer of the film for WNET, will moderate the panel.


聚乙烯薄膜 panelists, we will welcome back former 高中校长 芽考克斯; former 低年级校长 莫林·沃尔什; former Poly history teacher Khuram Hussain; 波莱特哈森, mother of Joseph Hasson III ‘85, one of the Poly alumni who perished on 9/11; and 奥利维亚Rotondi 04年(Penka), the first Joseph Hasson 9/11 Memorial Scholar.

Poly On薄膜, 奥利维亚Rotondi 04年(Penka)
奥利维亚Rotondi 04年(Penka)

In this very moving documentary, students described that Tuesday morning at school and the days after. Administrators discuss how the community came together to support the 9/11 families, 兴建纪念花园, and the establishment of the 9/11 Memorial Scholars program. A parent and a sister of 9/11 victims talk about the devastating loss their families suffered. 以前的历史老师, 谁是穆斯林, talks about teaching the lessons of tolerance after the attacks and not stereotyping a whole group based on the horrific actions of a few.

Panelists Share Personal Accounts

“I hope students will see that after the attacks people really came together, 不仅仅是在保利, but throughout the country and the world.

约翰 Denatale
约翰 Denatale

约翰•Denatale executive producer of the film for WNET, was asked what he hoped attendees might learn from the film, 他说,  “I hope students will see that after the attacks people really came together, 不仅仅是在保利, but throughout the country and the world. Unlike today, in which we see such vicious attacks from opposing political camps in the U.S., at that time everyone felt a sense of needing to support one another through a terrible time. I hope that young people are able to find hope in that message. Perhaps it may inspire some to seek a more positive national discourse, and to strive for a lasting sense of unity and respect for other voices.”


Denatale said his most vivid memory of the day was, “watching the second tower get hit and standing on Flatbush Avenue until it collapsed. I watched fire trucks racing toward the disaster, and later found out they never returned. I remember rushing to my son’s middle school on Fifth Avenue to take him home and the smoke and ashes from the tower were already falling on us. Over the next several days I went down to the World Trade Center site and filmed news stories for PBS and started working on a series of TV specials with Bill Moyers and Gwen Ifill called New York Voices. The sense of New York City being fragile and of people trying to come to terms with what had happened was palpable, and of course the fact that so many people in our community knew someone who was missing. 如此悲情的感觉.”

莫林·沃尔什 保利低年级校长 当时,他回忆道, “It’s hard to understand now how confusing and frightening the morning was, and I had a great number of parents coming to our building on Prospect Park West.  They were not sure why they came, initially they intended to take their children home.  但他们一直在一起, allowing their children to continue with the school day but clinging together, 在一起.  It showed me just how powerful a school community can be.”

Walsh remembers watching the first tower fall from the roof of the school building and the F-16 jets flying overhead and being with colleagues. “We tried very hard to shield our young children from what was going on that day,” Walsh said. “Losing [teacher] Pat O’Berg’s [firefighter] brother was a devastation, and how to talk about ‘the 事件s’ was difficult.  What to ‘call’ the ‘事件s of September 11’?  The heroic firefighters loomed large for us, and we had a visit from the local engine company a few weeks later for us to give gifts the students had created in thanks and in tribute to Dennis O’Berg.  It was very moving for us adults when the firefighters arrived and hugged the children, really quite overwhelming to be honest.”

The Poly community is invited to please register to attend 聚乙烯薄膜 9月29日.


The next installment of 聚乙烯薄膜 will be a discussion on 9 Man: A Street Battle in the Heart of Chinatown on Wednesday, October 20 at 7 PM. 该小组将包括 罗伯特Aberlin; 厄休拉梁主任; 南希Bulalacao P’33, director of public programs; 尼克•李 ‘04, former Poly math teacher; 理查德Quann ‘16; and 玛吉Moslalnder, Chair of the History Department. 请 注册这个Zoom 事件.


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